08 January 2009

Permission or no? Police req. to search cars

I thought this was one of those "duh!" factor things.

It seems in Utah there was some question as to whether or not a police office actually *needed* your permission to search your vehicle after pulling you over.

Seems a little simple doesn't it? But to be sure I have it, lets do some math:

My = possessive. My vehicle = individual possession of vehicle. My, not yours infers need for permission. Thus: My vehicle, you need permission to enter, touch, or do anything with said vehicle.

I may suck at math, but I think this works out.

Of course, there are instances where "my" is canceled out by "reasonable proof of wrong doing" such as having a gun on the seat, drugs, open bottle of alcohol, person tied up and gagged in the back seat, where a police officer doesn't need your permission.

Next time a cop pulls you over for speeding or no lights and asks to search your car, stick to your hypothetical guns and say no way!

Of course, this won't happen unless you are any of the following:

*Black/listening to rap
*Mexican/have the Virgin Mary as back window decorations
*Gay/listening to Cher louder than neighborhood regulations allow
*Muslim/have something other than a...well, nothing, on your head

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