24 March 2009

13 year old student strip search in the name of War on Drugs

At what point do adults, serving their community as school principals, nurses, and administrators, think that strip searching a 13 year old is remotely close to being a good idea?!

This seriously has me thinking of making a new blog label called: WTF?! Or something like that...

Anyway, it's true. A 13 year old girl (A) was strip searched after another student (B) was found to be in possession of prescription strength Ibuprofen and said she obtained the pills from someone else (A).

Basing their invasive and thoroughly unnecessary and unwarnetted search on this flimsy "evidence," school officials required the student to submit to a search, which, as you can guess, resulted in no pills.

The child's mother wasn't call. The police weren't called. And the school seems to think they did the right thing.

Seriously! WTF?!?

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