01 January 1984


1. What am I reading?
A. You are reading my random thoughts on nearly everything. I have ideas, opinions, quandaries, and ideals. My friends (nearly) all agree with me – I need a wider audience to share my wisdom with.

2. Who are you and why should we care?
A. Read the about me. And I don’t care if you don’t care. If you don’t care, why should I care that you don’t care? If you don’t care, don’t read. I don’t care. And if you happen to care – well great! Keep reading and leave a comment (I love comments).

3. How do I contact you?
A. Best bet is to leave a comment. If you want to ask me something more personal, leave a comment and let me know. We can arrange something.

4. Is your work copyrighted/can I use your work?
A. Is my work copyrighted? No. Do I want you just dropping and stealing my writing and pictures? Not so much. Ask first, we'll go from there.

5. Do you have a comments policy?
A. I currently do not moderate comments, but I reserve the right to delete comments at my discretion. To best ensure your comment is posted/not deleted, follow these suggestions:

· Be respectful: You have your opinions, I have mine, and other readers have theirs. Deal with it.

· Be concise: If your comment is longer than my post, edit it.

· Comments should be made in regard to an individual entry: No random tangents please. Lets stay focused and on topic.

6. You didn’t answer my question about (insert question). Why?
A. That’s because this is a work in progress. Leave a comment here and I will address it when I have the opportunity.

About Me

I’m a struggling writer, a writing coach (that’s my job), a pyromaniac (minus the maniac), I play Dungeons & Dragons, and think Star Trek and the Federation is what the U.S. could one day grow up to be. I have a cat, her name is Sasha. She hides her crack where I can’t find it. I read for fun and my favorite genres are fantasy, memoir, and rhetorical and social theory. I love sappy romances, political intrigue, and plot-less action movies. I am quirklyalone (Google it) and a quirky(Equal Opportunity)flirt (meaning I flirt with men and women equally).