30 August 2008

Pee break during Song get NY man tossed on the street

"During the patriotic 7th inning stretch at Yankee Stadium, nature called on Bradford Campeau-Laurion. When he tried to leave his seat during the traditional singing of God Bless America, however, he says he was stopped by a NYPD officer who said he'd have to wait until the song was done."
Seriously? I'm hoping the man was just piss-ass drunk and that's why they threw him out. As much as I love the song"God Bless America" and sing along to it every time I hear it, when nature calls, nature calls. I'd rather go during the quick break when no one else is going so I don't miss any of the game.

And just what if it had been a parent with a little kid? Kids really don't hold it well and sure don't give a damn about a song.

"You either let my kid go to the bathroom, or I let him pee all over your seats. You're choice officer, your choice."

29 August 2008

Finally, it's over

It's official. We either get a toothless pup or toothless old dog.

But: "below the belt" insults aside, I'm glad this insanity is finally over. Obama picked Biden and McCain picked Palin. It is over. The divide is conquered.

All that remains is to vote in November.

03 August 2008

2008 Beijing Olympics revisited

My views on China hosting the 2008 Olympics are pretty clear: I don't think they should have gotten them. However this article in the NY Times gave me some perspective.

I knew that the Chines suffered from some kind of complex when it came to the rest of the world: after all, we (and by "we" I mean the international community) use China as our poster child for "Everything Gone Wrong" in a nation.

My blog post listing just a few of the technical difficulties facing the Olympics this year highlights some of criticism being leveled at China. And in reading todays article, I'll admit, I was knocked a few pegs off my superior ladder.

That being said, I have to answer the authors rhetorical question:
"Before we put China on trial, though, we should ask a question about the other part of the argument: how good are the Olympics, again, exactly?"
Yes, the Olympics has a history of cheating, doping, lies, etc., and the nations hosting them have had all kinds of skeletons in their closets. But, as with all things, should we not aim to live and be the ideal of the Olympics? Yes, we will fail, but the goal is how close can we come.

Although this article provided me some needed insight, I still think, that given the unspoken goal(s) of the Olympics, China was not the best location for the 2008 Olympics.

01 August 2008

PA teen murdered by those meant to protect

"The Department of Human Services (DHS) strives to protect children from abuse, neglect, and delinquency. We also work to strengthen and preserve families by enhancing community-based prevention services. Our ultimate goal is to ensure the safety and permanency of DHS youth in nurturing home environments."

Unable to help herself because of her cerebral palsy, she wasted away from malnutrition and maggot-infested bedsores that ate her flesh. She died alone on a putrid mattress in her mother's home, the floor covered in feces. She was 14 but weighed just 42 pounds."
I will say nothing about her parents, there is no combination of words that can appropriately address or explain my rage.

But the Department of Human Services (DHS) is another matter. They knew what was going on in that home, and they lied, falsified documents, and left that child there to die. After she was dead, they attempted to cover their tracks.

Perhaps the system is over burdened, perhaps the caseworker(s) were under trained and overwhelmed, and perhaps a million other excuses. Because in the end, that's what they are: excuses.

God grant her the rest and comfort she did not get in this life.

UPDATE: If you wish to contact the PA DHS and tell them your thoughts on the matter, their commissioner, Anne Marie Ambrose, can be at:


All hail our shadowy overlords!

I always knew my vote counted for zilch...

...but I liked the illusion of democracy.

Don't misunderstand, I know this is satire (I hope...), but after 8 years of King George Bush, and looking down the loaded 4 year barrel of Crown Prince Barack Obama, you kinda start to wonder.