22 June 2009

Iranian election monitors: No shit there was election fraud

As one of thousands of Americans who were disenfranchised and impossibly angered by the 2004 election results that wrongfully concluded that George W. Bush had one a second term, my prayers and support go out to everyone in Tehran, Iran.

May the senior panel of election monitor's admittance to election discrepancies and fraud lead to a peaceful and fair resolution that will lead to Mir Hussien Moussavi's being declared the presidential winner.

Of course, I'm still a cynic and don't know if I believe if that will happen at all, or at least, not without more bloodshed.

17 June 2009

Hispanic boy dragged by noose in parking lot, perp gets off with jail time sleepover

I haven't written in a long time. But it's hard to write about things that piss you off when it seems as though everything in the news does.

But this just took the cake. Could someone please explain to me how,

"[An Ohio 18 year old] accused of putting a noose around a Hispanic boy's neck and dragging him in a parking lot..."
is sentenced to ONLY 10 (read TEN) days in jail?! I mean what the hell?

This incident is far too similar to the dragging deaths in Texas (Brandon McClelland and James Byrd). Of course, I could make connections to the "possible" racial motivations behind this sentencing, but that would preposterous given that America is in a "post race" era since we now have a Black president.

Gruesome crimes like those in Texas happened in barbarian times -- you know, like a year ago.