"During the patriotic 7th inning stretch at Yankee Stadium, nature called on Bradford Campeau-Laurion. When he tried to leave his seat during the traditional singing of God Bless America, however, he says he was stopped by a NYPD officer who said he'd have to wait until the song was done."Seriously? I'm hoping the man was just piss-ass drunk and that's why they threw him out. As much as I love the song"God Bless America" and sing along to it every time I hear it, when nature calls, nature calls. I'd rather go during the quick break when no one else is going so I don't miss any of the game.
And just what if it had been a parent with a little kid? Kids really don't hold it well and sure don't give a damn about a song.
"You either let my kid go to the bathroom, or I let him pee all over your seats. You're choice officer, your choice."