05 September 2008

Barak Obama vs. Sarah Palin

Some of you may be appalled to know this.

I was actually considering crossing party lines this election.

Oh, did you already get that indication from the mass of blog posts regaling you with my distaste, distrust, and discomfort for Barak Obama? Then I guess the above statement isn't much a surprise.

Try this one on for size:

I'm voting for Barak Obama.

It's true. I was either going to cross party lines or write in Hillary Clinton. Now, before you try and label me some ultra-left wing, man hating, rabid Clintonite nationalist, remember this: I believe the duty of every American is to vote their conscience. My conscience said to vote Mrs. Clinton because she was (is) the most qualified and ready.

But now, in light of Mrs. Sarah Palin being nominated as John McCain's VP running mate (mistress), I feel it is my duty to make sure (s)he doesn't win.

Mr. McCain is old. He could keel over November 5th if his wife said, "honey, lets have sex to celebrate your win!" Suddenly Maverick McCain is stone cold dead, and "lifetime member of the NRA, anti-right to choose, abstinence education is all children need to know about sex, we're fighting God's war in Iraq, crazy right wing religious zealot" Sarah Palin is President of the USA.

Dear God no.

I do my part in the name of lesser evil: I vote for Barak Obama.


Anonymous said...

Yes! your link worked, and yes! you're voting Obama! (I personally like him)

And it's lovely to know that, at least some people, have seen through McCain's despicable try at getting Hillary's voters.

I'm all for women in politics. And it's fine that she doesn't match the conventional look of a politician, but I can never get behind her ideas. Especially when they don't match her own life or the reality of the world.

DvntWriter said...

The "not matching the reality of the world" part is what really gets me.

We desperately need someone who can either solve the issues of three states wanting to bomb us back to never existing (Iraq, Korea, Iran), one country wanting to follow in dear King George's footsteps (Russia), China being, well, China (not to mention them owning our collective souls because off the dept), the tailspin our environment is in...

...not to mention all the issues at home. The new president has to solve, or at least try to solve these problems.

Somehow, some chic who has 5 kids, has a Masters level education (maybe?), likes red-blooded American sports (kill, kill, kill!), and goes to a church that anyone can go to because they don't believe in one absolute thing does not strike me as the right person to take on this growing "To Do List" agenda.