27 December 2008

One ending is just another beginning

Greetings readers.

I apologize for the extended absence. I'm not going to go into a lot of details, but suffice it to say, my mother passed away on the 21st of December.

On top of two jobs and duties at home, she became more ill, to the point I had to take her to the ER. Updating my blogs took a back seat as you understand.

However, I am mostly back.

Thank you for your patience.



Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I am sorry to hear that. My mom died when I was younger if you ever need to talk to somebody that might remotely know what it feels like. Hope all is well!

DvntWriter said...

Hey there. Thank you for the message. Things here are a bit slow; I'm finding it difficult to get started on things I need to do, but I'll come 'round eventually I 'spose. All in all, things are what they are; I'm doing well enough. :-)

Funny, I just typed this message with a British accent in mind. All I did was sit and talk to a Brit for a few hours after church, and here I am thinking like one. How funny...