12 April 2008

Parental Brainwashing: Legal in America

The NY Times recently posted an article on delegates - and parents in general - being brainwashed by their children.

Ok, so maybe brainwashed is a little harsh. Everyone has the right to choose for himself what political candidate s/he wishes to support. If the reasons they support said candidate are because they vote the party line, or because they identify with one over another, or because their children and grandchildren have brow beat them (some with bribes, others with guilt, and more others with a persistence more determined than GW's belief that his War on Terror was/is a good thing) into giving up their right as Thinking Citizens, who are we to complain?

I just find it rather ironic that the one candidate with the least amount of experience and political "know how" has the majority of the support of America's youngest and least "life seasoned" voters.

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