14 April 2008

Rhetorical Stumbles

I think NY Times op-ed columnist William Kristol said it best when he wrote in his article The Mask Slips,

"And what are the grounds for his supercilious disdain? If he were a war hero, if he had a career of remarkable civic achievement or public service — then he could perhaps be excused an unattractive but in a sense understandable hauteur. But what has Barack Obama accomplished that entitles him to look down on his fellow Americans?"
What has he done indeed.

1 comment:

Barbara B. Solbrig said...

The flower in question is a crocus. Just a two color one....
So do you read me on a regular basis? That is the thing about blogs/the internet, you put yourself out there for anyone to find, and you just never know who does find you. Glad you like the pictures.
(The other two Pyros you hung out with on AREB's b-day one year will be home in about a month. Can I just say I am looking forward to seeing them?)
I will be in SLC in May, maybe we can see each other long enough tosay hi or something.