However, when this whole business concerning his relationship with his now former Pastor Jeremiah Wright started, I gave him free pass. After all, you can't control what one man says, nor should you be judged by what another man says - only by your deeds (or lack there of).
Yet, while reading the article Obama Says Hes Outraged by Ex-Pastors Comments written by Jeff Zelleny, I found myself asking some questions and flat out disbelieving some of his statements, made in response to Pastor Wright's recent commentary.

Really? Yet prior to running for Presidency you sat front and center in this man's congregation, listened to his sermons, called him friend, was married by him in his church, and had your daughters baptized by him. Or do you mean to say Pastor Wright only just started being a raving anti-American, conspiracy-touting lunatic when you started running for office?
“I find these comments appalling. It contradicts everything that I’m about and who I am.”
Funny how you want to cover up and put behind you your nefarious connections in the past (think Tony Rezko and Weather Underground), but you are more than willing to talk about everyone else's (past votes, past comments, past connections, past, past past.). What's the matter? Afraid of a little perspective?
"...the comments by Mr. Obama were considerably stronger than any previous remarks he has made about Mr. Wright. Yesterday, he dismissed the remarks, but also criticized his opponents and the media for spending too much time dwelling on his former pastor."
But therein lies the problem Obama - we don't know you. We know the mask you show us, but no one really feels like they know you.
“Anybody who knows me and anybody who knows what I’m about knows that I’m about trying to bridge gaps and I see the commonality in all people.”
Oh, and Barak: check a mirror. You gotta a little brown spot on your nose...
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